Thursday 4 September 2014

Learn Quick & Easy Meringue Buttercream

Memandangan masih MC harini and my Husband also not around. i terus bukak laptop find delicious recipes to try. dan memandangkan malam tadi i dah try baking recipe found from book i beli from MPH  yesterday. 

Guess what? Its Vanilla Cupcake! After bake and taste it.. Sedap! Moist and soft inside, the topping agak rangup..Seriously, you all Must try it. I breakfast dengan Vanilla cupcake this morning. if ada hot tea or!

Itu cerita malam tadi cupcake, so pagi ni kita buat topping pulak. Actually before this da try buat Meringue buttercream ni,tapi hampir jadi(xjadi Biasa la beginner. So kalini azam kene buat sampai jadi! And alhamdulillah menjadi.Soft and smooth! 

Maringue Buttercream recipe

50g egg white
100g castor sugar
150g butter
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract (option)

I will Show you step by step and tips to make smooth meringue buttercream!

Step 1: Whisk a little sugar and egg white in a bowl. 

Step2: At the same time, heat water in a pot

Step3: Double boil technic!  use moderate heat

Step4: Kacau sampai gula lebur. (try colek pakai jari untuk tau)

Step5: Whisk until it become exactly like pic dibawah ni...

Step6: Whisk again use electric hand mixer with high speed for 10-20 minutes until it become fluffy and glossy

Step7: Add butter sedikit demi sedikit (makesure icing tadi sejuk ok sebelum masuk butter) dan kacau sampai la kembang/putih.

Tapi buttter yang i pakai taste a bit weird, walaupun memang sodap bila buat cake, tapi untuk cream..not recommend ok. Maybe butter lain next time. So boleh la kita paip Buttercream kita ni kn? 

Tip: If masa paip/pukul tu rse cair xmenjadi, sejukkan sekejap..pastu kluarkan and pipe balik. Jangan sampai beku plak, if beku..pukul kejap sampai lembut dan boleh la paip.

Jom Try Buat!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

1st Step As Baker

Today is my MC day, saya bercuti sakit hari ini ye tuan puan. hehe i and my husband was infected by conjunctivities. but kesian my husband, today supposed he need to go outstation to Johor. Wulaupun dapat MC 2hari tapi still kene pergi Johor gak.

Macammane leh berjangkit ni? after i post dalam FB yang mata kitorang da macam couple of vampire kat rumah ni, my cousin also reply they all also infected together with my lil sis and his son. Masyaallah.. cause of conjunctivities? Macam ni, kitorang balik weekend sebab nak pergi kenduri sepupu. that time my father my lil sis and lil bro da terkene congjuntivitis tu. they also kene daripada sorang india kt tempat kerja (they work in the same company).

Then, lepas balik ke rumah masing2, sehari dua lepas tu mula berdenyut pedih2 mata ni. Esok paginye abeh bengkak mata. My husband xpernah kene, die la paling xtahan sakitnye. So, kitorang pergi la ke klinik An-Nisa Cheras. Masuk2 je..Dr kte kenapa? ktorang pandang Dr and smile. Dr kate haaaa! da tau da..tengok mata da tau, tau camna boleh kena? terpangu2 kitaorang tanye how? Dr kate sentuhan, you all kesat2 mata, pastu sentuh sana sini tu yang kena. xpa saya bagi ubat and korang kene dok  uma sampai baik mata tu k. 

Balik dari Klinik, apply medicine and rest. Esoknye, my husband kene siap2 na ke Johor. (Sad :,(..) his eye already macam balloon! haha lebam and Red. He insisted nak pergi kerja gak. So i send him to his office. after that i drop byMidvalley. Nak buang masa..., Buang masa?

Sampai je Midvalley terus pergi ke MPH, disebabkan mata i can give someone red alert! haha asik pandang bawah je..risau gak kalau kene stop dengan guard MPH tu. Masuk je MPH terus stop at Cake decorating & baking. rambang mata i you..Banyak nye Buku..After Some thinking, i decide this is my 1st step of me in bakery world. I love baking! yess.. i love their compliment my cooking & my baking.. i love to eat Sweet! and anything that look yummy and delicious! really x tipu! haha. 

Hope you all can give me some guardian! 

Please come read again! wink!  

31st August...Baking after long time

29 August, Jumaat balik je kerja terus balik rumah, kemas2, kutip and basuh baju kotor, memasak...pas settle kerja rumah. Bermulalah baking activity! excited sangat, sebab da lama x baking. last baking sebelum kahwin..4 bulan lepas. Wht!! haha..

Ok Barang2 sume da prepare, 3 tempat mencari barang kek, Cold Store , 8p Concept dan Bakewell , jadi tinggal buat je. Buat ape? kek la..kek ape ea??haaa...Amik masa gak na pikir buat kek apa. My husband like always, depan laptop playing games. not really play..coz it is his work to play games. HE's working at games company. nvm, lupe name company tu. haha

Ok..After think a lot, i plan na buat Victoria sandwich cake with cream cheese frosting, preserve jem strawberry and add some whipping cream. and the result is superb!! So i have a confident na bagi kat my cousin. Even though visual presentation xberapa memuaskan. hehehe Cake tersebut adalah ilham resepi daripada The Kitchen Guardian.

31st August hari bersejarah bagi rakyat malaysia menyambut hari merdeka. Hari bersejarah gak untuk my cousin, jadi..Congrat! Congrat! Selamat pengantin baru Shahfiza & Iqbal.

Awat hang tutup mata... 

Here is my lovely family, my husband, my mother, my sisters with her lovely 2 months old son. kami dok sembang bawah pondok rewang lepas makan kenduri.

I never though that they would display my cupcake with her wedding's cake. But I got the best feedback from them. Thanks you guys! Diorang dok berebut nak strawberry tu sebenornye.Haha Funny!

My little sister with her husband and Son Aidil

Me and My dearly Husband

Thanks for reading. Come again. wink! ;)